Have you ever noticed the line item
on your monthly Ontario hydro bill called
the “Debt Retirement Charge”?
This charge is not large- perhaps $2 to $15
a month - so who cares? - We can spend that
on lunch and the bill has to get paid anyway
if you want to keep the lights on. Well, it
is not exactly as advertised and adds up to
billions of dollars for the Provincial
We returned to Ontario in 2002 after six
years in Alberta. The world in Ottawa had
changed; cities had merged, Ontario Hydro
ceased to exist and Hydro Ottawa was newly
created. Recall viewing our first hydro
bill and noting the “Debt
Retirement Charge” and
thinking - what debt - whose debt – what’s
that all about? The questions remained
parked until now.
With retirement time on my hands I explored
hydro debt retirement. The journey has not
been unlike Alice in Wonderland and a little
like visiting the Land of Oz.
Like many things government, it’s
complicated. So apologies in advance. This
is a little long involving language all its
own. If you want the short story go to the
end. Here is what I found.
Why the
Debt Retirement Charge?
One has to go back to the future to
understand the “Debt Retirement Charge”
(DRC). The journey begins in 1997 and the
last days of Ontario Hydro. After study by
experts, restructuring of the hydro system
was set in motion through provincial law – Energy
Competition Act which included the Ontario
Energy Board Act and the Electricity Act,
1998. Two significant aspects of
restructuring were:
The creation of competitive wholesale and retail markets for electricity
that opened May 2002; and
The breakup of Ontario Hydro into five successor entities (companies) on
April 1, 1999; namely:
Ontario Power Generation (OPG) Inc. for electricity generation
(wholly owned by the Province);
Hydro One for wholesale power transmission and retail distribution
(owned by the Province);
The Electrical Safety Authority (ESA) for electrical inspection
(agency of the Province)
The Independent Electricity System Operator (agency of the Province)
to manage the power grid and the wholesale electricity market. IESO**
is a not-for-profit, non-taxable corporation that in 2007 was also
designated by regulation as the Smart Metering Entity (SME) pursuant to
the Electricity Act, 1998; and
The Ontario Electricity Financial Corporation (agency of the
Province) to manage the legacy debt and other liabilities not
transferred from Ontario Hydro to successor companies. This entity and
the matter of stranded debt is the focus of this article.
**Foot note: Pursuant to provincial
legislation in July 2014 amending the
Electricity Act, 1998, the IESO and the Ontario Power Authority
(OPA) were amalgamated and continue as the
IESO effective January 1, 2015.
Among the objectives of the OPA was
(is) to forecast electricity demand and
adequacy & reliability of electricity
resources, planning for electricity
generation, and promoting the use of cleaner
energy sources and electricity conservation.
The OPA was first established 10 years
earlier pursuant to the
Electricity Restructuring Act, 2004.
All to say, the hydro system has been
undergoing a series of changes over the past
15 years.
The intent of restructuring in 1999 was to
have the new entities operate in a
commercial manner, with a strong financial
footing that would make them
more efficient and
effective and lead
to prices that were as low as possible for
consumers. Successor companies would not be
burdened with all the debt of Ontario Hydro
that tried to set prices that ensured all
costs, including principal and interest
payments on debt, were eventually recovered
from customers.
In short, the DRC is one consequence of a
public policy decision to restructure the
hydro industry and promote a competitive
market place. In the process, liabilities
of old Ontario Hydro were “stranded”
and to be paid off and not written off. For
this purpose, as of 1 April 1999, Ontario
Hydro continued as the Ontario Electricity
Financial Corporation (OEFC). OEFC is an
agent of the Province - a statutory,
non-share capital company for servicing and
retiring Ontario Hydro’s debt and managing
certain other assets and liabilities
emerging out of restructuring. We are now
fifteen years down the road.
It is worth clarifying that the
restructuring was something done on paper –
new organizational structures and means for
paying debt. It had nothing to do with
re-engineering or changing hydro
infrastructure itself – just the entities
that own and run various parts of the system
and allowing free or competitive market.
With the “demerger” of Ontario Hydro,
players are more numerous but are all still
within the government house or sphere of
of “Stranded Debt”
Ontario Hydro created a Demerger
Project Office with some 800 separate
project activities involving thousands of
employees to manage a seamless transition to
a new order with no disruption of service.
One of the key considerations was “optimizing
the repayment of the provincially backed
Ontario Hydro debt.”
As a part of restructuring, the Ontario
Electricity Financial Corporation (OEFC) was
created and given the responsibility to
manage the legacy debt of the old Ontario
Hydro (OH), along with certain other
liabilities not transferred to Hydro One and
the Ontario Power Group (OPG).
The Electricity Act, 1998 defines
stranded debt as the debts and other
liabilities of the Financial Corporation
(OEFC) that, in the opinion of the Minister
of Finance, cannot be reasonably be serviced
and retired in a competitive electricity
market (“dette
unsurmontable”). So in a way, the
stranded debt is whatever the Minister says
it was or is in relation to whether it can
be paid or not. Table 1 shows how “stranded
debt’ was calculated and created at
the dawn of a new century.
Table 1 –
Financial impact of restructuring - stranded
debt ($ billion)
2014 OEFC Annual Report, 2011 Report
of the Auditor General of Ontario as based
on Ministry of Finance data.
Ontario Hydro total debt
Ontario Hydro other liabilities
Ontario Hydro total debt & other
market value of successor companies
stranded debt
adjustment for additional assets
stranded debt of OEFC – April 1,
The OEFC inherited approximately $38.1
billion in total debt and other liabilities
of Ontario Hydro (OH). Less than half of
this was supported by the “fair market
value” of OH assets transferred to successor
companies. It appears successor companies
did not pay for the assets transferred to
them. On April 1, 1999 the OEFC took back
$17.4 billion in interest bearing notes and
loans receivable (assets) in exchange. This
arrangement for stranded debt gave successor
companies a fresh start so they might
compete in a free market where apparently
Ontario Hydro, as a monopoly, could not.
Interestingly, in its final Annual Report of
March 1999, Ontario Hydro stressed its focus
had always been on safety, reliability,
service and
competitive prices. It had a closing
accumulated deficit of $2.7 billion after
corporate write offs in 1997 of $6.6
billion, weathering additional costs of the
once in a hundred years ice storm, and
providing $4.5 billion in future costs
(among its liabilities). Its assets were
$39.6 billion with total liabilities of
$42.3 billion including long term debt of
$27.7 billion. So Ontario Hydro did not
seem to be doing too bad overall. However,
I digress - back to stranded debt.
The remaining $20.9 billion not supported by
the fair value of Ontario Hydro assets of
Ontario Hydro. Additional assets of $1.5
billion came along and reduced the stranded
debt to $19.4 billion.
In short, the DRC is a consequence of a
public policy decision to restructure the
hydro industry and promote a competitive
market place. In the process, liabilities
of old Ontario Hydro were “stranded” by
about $20 billion. This was to be “retired”
and not written off. This is where the debt
retirement charge comes in.
Provincial Plan to Retire Stranded Debt
Provincial government put in place a
long-term plan (now 15 years down the road)
to service and retire stranded debt. The
plan was to eliminate the stranded debt by
sharing the burden between the electricity
sector and electricity consumers. The plan
included three dedicated revenue streams to
OEFC for paying down the stranded debt:
The estimated
present value of future “payments
in lieu of taxes” (PIL) from
electricity sector companies (OPG and
Hydro One and municipal electrical
The estimated
present value of “cumulative
annual combined profits” of OPG
and Hydro One (owned by the Province) in
excess of $520 million a year (being the
then annual interest cost of the
government’s investment in the two
companies); and
The Debt
Retirement Charge to cover the “residual
stranded debt” – being the
initial stranded debt remaining after
deducting the total estimated value of
the two above future revenue streams
(i.e. $20.9B minus $13.1B = $7.8B
starting residual stranded debt). More
on this later.
The first two represent revenue streams
otherwise flowing to the Province (but
diverted to its agency the OEFC). The
Province’s investment return was shielded
from paying stranded debt. The Debt
Retirement Charge (DRC) is revenue coming
from hydro consumers (external to
government) in hard currency in real time.
The other two revenue streams are in the
government house sort of speak.
I was unable to determine if the plan had a
target for when the stranded debt would be
gone. Now a closer look at the DRC and
something called “Residual Stranded Debt”.
What is
the Debt Retirement Charge?
The Debt
Retirement Charge (DRC) is a charge payable
on electricity consumed in Ontario. That
means most anyone using electricity
(residences, business, hospitals, schools).
DRC is authorized by Provincial law and
began in 2002.
to an Ontario Guide, DRC is to
replace a portion of debt servicing costs
previously included as part of electricity
bills prior to restructuring of the former
Ontario Hydro. DRC is to end when the “residual
stranded debt” of the former
Ontario Hydro is “defeased”.
Defeased is a word I had to look up. It
does not check out on Microsoft Thesaurus.
The word “defeasible” is in the Oxford
Dictionary (but not defeased) and means open
to revision, valid objection, forfeiture or
annulment. As far as I can tell, no debt is
objected or forfeited.
According to google defeased (defeasance/
defeasement) is a commercial or legal term
with various meanings. One meaning is a
provision that voids a bond or loan when the
borrower sets aside cash or bonds sufficient
to service the borrower’s debt. This sounds
like paying interest only and not retiring a
debt. There are other descriptions of
“defeased” but none reflect an ordinary
understanding of paying a debt i.e. paying
principal and interest. Residual
stranded debt is explained later. It’s a
mind bender too.
Am now
beginning to wonder if DRC is a misnomer.
Maybe it is more accurately called the
“Liability Defeasement Charge”. But
imagine that appearing on a hydro bill and
people not scratching their heads (if they
notice the DRC at all).
DRC is
paid by almost all electricity users in
Ontario. There are exceptions such as Status
Indians and Indian bands purchasing
electricity consumed on a reserve and
self-generating users eligible for station
service exemption or an annual exemption by
the Province.
DRC is applied at
a rate of 0.7 cents per kilowatt hour (KWH)
with the exception of reduced rates in
certain listed service areas of local
utilities as existed on October 30, 1998.
There are 19 areas paying lower DRC rates
from 0.0 cents to 0.69 cents per KWH. No
All distributors and
retailers required to be licensed by the
Ontario Energy Board (OEB) must register as
DRC collectors. The money is sent by
collectors to the OEFC and not the OEB. The
OEB is the regulator of Ontario’s natural
gas and electricity industries and provides
advice on energy matters referred to it by
the Minister of Energy and the Minister of
Natural Resources. Like the OEFC, the OEB
is an agent of Her Majesty in right of
Ontario and exempted from federal and
provincial income taxes.
What is Residual
Stranded Debt?
Stranded Debt (RSD) is important because the
DRC remains until that is gone. RSD is the
amount remaining in stranded debt after
estimating future revenue streams other than
the DRC for paying the stranded debt. Said
another way, the RSD is the estimated
portion of the stranded debt that could not
be supported by expected future revenue from
electricity companies. The DRC will
cease at some point provided electricity
companies do their part and the RSD does not
At the beginning, the initial RSD was
estimated at $7.8 billion. This is what
hydro consumers were expected to pay for.
But the RSD is not a fixed amount or sum
certain. It varies in value – a moving
target. The RSD estimate changes each year
as determined by the Minister of Finance.
The important thing to recognize is that if
the other two revenue streams happen to fail
or fall short….then hydro consumers continue
paying the stranded debt.
In response to observation by the Province’s
Auditor General in 2011, the government made
the RSD more transparent by introducing in
2012 a new regulation formally establishing
how the RSD is to be calculated and
requiring annual reporting of the amount in
The Ontario Gazette. Most
Ontarians are likely not even aware of this
service and I doubt if many look up
regulations. Not exactly transparent, but
its’ there if you care to look. I did not
attempt to find out who (if anyone) checks
RSD calculations.
The “retirement” of RSD is subject to
uncertainty in forecasting the future of
OEFC, which depends on the financial
performance of OPG, Hydro One, and municipal
electric utilities, as well as other factors
such as interest rates and electricity
consumption. Which are all, in turn,
dependent on the state of economies and
decisions of others. The RSD and the fate
of the DRC are kind of floating in the air -
subject to the winds of fortune.
Chart1 below shows the history of the RSD
relative to the “unfunded liability”
of the OEFC.
Now what is unfunded liability? OEFC
considers stranded debt and its unfunded
liabilities (difference between total assets
and all liabilities including debt) to be
one and the same and therefore sees stranded
debt as reduced by half over 15 years; $9.8
billion as at March 31, 2014 compared to
$19.4 billion at March 31, 2000 (end of the
first fiscal year of OEFC). This is
probably technically correct but have not
examined the details of governing
legislation and OEFC conformance therewith.
So now I am wondering if the stranded debt
should have been called “Hydro Unfunded
Liability” and the DRC called the
“Government Unfunded Liability Payment” or
GULP for short. Sorry, I could not resist.
Back to the subject of Residual Stranded
Debt and Chart 1.
Chart 1- History
of Residual Stranded Debt & Unfunded
Liability of OEFC
OEFC data and annual reports
Note that what is called initial stranded
debt ($20.9B) at April 1, 1999 becomes
“unfunded liability” at March 31, 2000 as
reported by the OEFC.
The RSD has been reducing each year since
2004 when it spiked to $11.9 billion from
the initial estimate of $7.8 billion. Things
were not going in the best direction for
ending the DRC. Fortunately for hydro
customers the RSD has since trended downward
to $2.6 billion as of March 31, 2014.
Remember though, the RSD is not a function
of the DRC except an RSD of $0 is the finish
line for DRC (unless a government of the day
rules otherwise).
How much has OEFC
collected in Debt Retirement Charge?
Dollars a
month become billions. A total of $11.5
billion in DRC revenue has been taken in by
the OEFC to March 31, 2014; between $800
million and $1 B each year for 12 years.
Simple enough. A breakdown between
residential and non-residential is not
available (at least not publicly).
However, the OEFC notes in its financial
statements that the residential rate class
accounts for about a third of electricity
load subject to the DRC with the remainder
of electricity load used by commercial,
institutional and industrial consumers.
That being so and assuming the DRC rate is
constant across all classes, residences paid
about $4 billion in DRC and all others about
$7.5 billion. Of course, the DRC paid by
non-residential hydro users would either be
absorbed or recovered from consumers in the
pricing of their goods and services. There
is no free lunch.
The harder questions are what has DRC money
been used for and has its purpose been
achieved? These questions are examined in
terms of how much debt has been “retired”
and remains as well as what the OEFC spent
revenues on, including the DRC.
What progress has
been made in paying stranded debt?
In writing
this article I should hasten to say I take
the words “debt retirement” on face. I
stick with that at the risk of being seen as
too literal or naïve. After all, a debt is
a liability. And, a liability of one is an
asset of another. Such is the power of
double entry bookkeeping (debits & credits)
as invented by an Italian monk in the 17th
Table 2 shows what OEFC started with
compared to what it held on March 31, 2014.
The difference between the two gives an idea
of what changed over 15 years.
Table 2:
Changes in OEFC liabilities from
March 2000 to 2014
In $ billion
OEFC financial statements
Balance sheet items of OEFC
Debt held by the Province (owed
to the Province)
+ 9.5
Debt held by others - guaranteed
by the Province
- 14.7
Total debt
- 5.2
Power purchase contracts (note
Nuclear risk funding (note 3)
Current liabilities (accounts
payable etc.)
- 0.2
Total debt and other liabilities
- 11.5
Notes & loans receivable from
the Province
Nots & loans receivable from
Ontario Power Group
+ 0.4
Notes & loans receivable from
Hydro One
- 4.8
Notes & loans receivable from
Total notes & loans receivable
(note 4)
- 4.4
Electricity sector income due
from Province (see note 5)
+ 3.6
Deferred debt costs
- 0.9
Current assets (cash, accounts
receivable etc.)
Total Assets
- 1.3
Unfunded Liability (total
liabilities minus total assets)
- 10.2
Debt is
comprised of amounts maturing anywhere
from 1 to 50 years out and are repayable
in various currencies. In 2014 the
effective rate of interest on the debt
was 5.47% (compared to 8.29% in 2000).
Power purchase
contracts and support agreements were
inherited by OEFC from Ontario Hydro as
were entered into with Non-Utility
Generators (NUGs). Contracts
provide for the purchase of power from
NUGs in excess of future market price.
The contracts expire on various dates
out to 2048. Accordingly, a liability
was recorded on April 1, 1999 of $4.3
billion on a discounted cash-flow basis
when the former Ontario Hydro continued
as the OEFC. Subsequently, under the
Electricity Restructuring Ac, 2004,
the OEFC began receiving actual contract
prices for power from electricity
consumers and no longer incurs losses on
these contracts. As a result, the bulk
of the liability would be eliminated
and is being amortized to revenue over
12 years (see Table 3 and subsequent
Nuclear risk
funding represent a liability arising
from nuclear waste management and asset
As established
by the stranded debt retirement plan,
the Province committed to dedicate the
cumulative combined income of OPG and
Hydro One in excess of the Province’s
interest cost of its investment in its
electricity subsidiaries. The Province
recoups all interest on its investments
before any income can be recognized by
OEFC. The $3.9 billion represents the
cumulative amount due from the Province
each year after deducting the Province’s
$520 million interest cost of its
investment in OPG and Hydro One.
Readers are
encouraged to view OEFC annual reports
(available on line) to get more
Some things to
observe from Table 2:
Who holds the
stranded debt has shifted. Most of the
stranded debt is now held by – owed to -
the Province. The Province holds about
$19.1 billion in debt instruments or
about 70% of total OEFC liabilities. The
rest ($7 billion) is guaranteed by the
There has been
more in debt turnover than retirement –
unless you consider replacement of debt
to be a retirement. The Province has, in
effect, replaced half the debt held by
others. In 2000, Provincial debt
represented 1/3 of total stranded
debt. In 2014 it
accounted for over 2/3 and the Province
still guarantees the debt held by
others. More interest revenue for the
Total debt
is reduced by a reported $5.2 billion
over fifteen years with a further
reduction in other liabilities of $6.3
billion coming from reduction in power
purchase contract liabilities and the
nuclear risk funding liability. The
reduction in power purchase contract
liabilities arises from changes in
legislation (as per note 2 above) and
not from debt payment as such.
In conjunction with
the Ontario Financing Authority (OFA), the
OEFC has renewed/replaced debt as they came
due. Total debt as such has not reduced
substantially over the past fifteen years.
Interestingly, the total long term debt of
the OEFC of $26.1 billion as of March 2014
is almost the same as the long term debt of
the old Ontario Hydro as it was in March
1999 ($27.7 billion). Seems not much is
retired in regard to “debt” per se. See
next section on where the money went.
However, the
unfunded liability of OEFC has dropped by
half (from about $20 billion to $10
billion). On one hand this is good news, on
the other maybe another 15 years to go –
making a 30 year time horizon for dealing
with the financial fall out of hydro
The OFA (also an
agency of the Province) manages the
Province’s debt and borrowing program. The
total debt portfolio of the Province is in
the order of $314.5 billion. The OEFC
has no employees. It is OFA staff doing the
work. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of
OFA and OEFC are one and the same person for
the past fifteen years. The Chairmen of the
Board of Directors of both entities is
currently also one and the same, but other
members of each of the two governing Boards
differ as between the OFA and the OEFC.
What happens in the
end – what is the bottom line? Well it
depends on how you look at it and how far
you track the numbers.
Each year, OEFC
financial results are assimilated into
provincial accounts on a line by line basis
when the OEFC accounts are consolidated into
Provincial financial statements (Public
Accounts). So it all comes out in the wash
when reporting Provincial annual deficit and
accumulated deficit. At the end of the
process DRC pops out as “non-tax
revenue” for the Province.
I do not know what
happens to the rest of the numbers. Wouldn’t
it be magic though if amounts offset each
other and the net effect on the accumulated
deficit of the Province is a virtual
zero—except for debt owed to external
But, I speculate.
How has Debt
Retirement Charge money been used?
To get at
this question, one has to appreciate that
the OEFC engages in a number of activities
beyond retiring stranded debt. Its mandate
and activities include:
Managing the
stranded debt portfolio.
Managing power
supply contracts and related loan
Risk managing
debt and derivative financial
Supporting the
implementation of the Government’s
electricity policies. The OEFC supports
the Industrial Electricity Incentive
(IEI) program by providing payments to
the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) to
offset the cost of the DRC portion of
the electricity bill paid to OEFC on
IEI-eligible incremental consumption by
IEI participants. This is designed to
be cost-neutral for the OEFC. So the
DRC is being compensated for some power
users. It is not clear just how this
works and how much is relieved to IEI
financial assistance to successor
corporations and supporting new
electricity supply projects. For
example, providing the Ontario Power
Generation (OPG) with financing for new
generation project developments in the
form of 10-year and 30 year notes,
providing for up to $1.6 billion in
loans for the Niagara tunnel project,
providing up to $700 million in support
of OPG’s investment in the Lower
Mattagami project, and providing OPG a
credit facility for up to $500 million
expiring on December 31, 2014 for
general corporate requirements including
the Darlington refurbishment project.
Refinancing and
sometimes increasing notes receivable
including, for example, those with the
Independent Electricity System Operator
In an attempt to
show how the DRC has been used, Table 3
shows the total revenues and expenses of the
OEFC over the same fifteen year period as
Table 2.
Table 3 –A
summary of OEFC Revenues & Expenses – 2000
to 2014 in $ million
OEFC table - not audited
$ million
Debt Retirement Charge
Payments-in-lieu of tax
Electricity sector dedicated income
Sub - total of planned revenues for
retiring stranded debt
Power supply contract recoveries
Net reduction of power purchase
contracts (see note 2 of Table 2)
Revenue pool residual (ending in
Gain on sale of Hydro One notes
All other revenue
Total revenues from fiscal year
1999-00 to 2013-14
Debt interest
Debt guarantee fee (presume paid to
the Province)
Interest on nuclear funding
liability (for eight years ending in
Electricity Consumer Price
Protection Fund (2003 & 2004 only)
Power supply contract costs
Temporary generation supply (2003-04
Amortization of deferred charges
(ending in 2011-12)
Total expenses from fiscal year
1999-00 to 2013-14
Excess of Revenues over Expenses
Unfunded liability of OEFC beginning
Net adjustments to unfunded
liability (increase)
Unfunded liability of OEFC as at
March 31, 2014
A few things to note
from Table 3 along with other information:
DRC revenue is
comingled with other revenues for the
OEFC to use in meeting all its mandate.
As with other revenue streams, the DRC
is not set aside to service or pay any
debt in particular. The DRC is a
contribution to a pot.
Debt retirement
related revenue has not kept pace with
debt related servicing costs. The DRC
revenue ($11.5 billion) plus other
dedicated revenue ($13.5 billion)
intended for retiring stranded debt
total $25 billion. This does not cover
debt interest expense ($28.2 billion)
plus debt guarantee fee ($2.1 billion)
and the nuclear liability interest ($0.9
billion) – expenses totalling $31
billion for servicing debt. So if we
were speaking debt repayment in ordinary
terms (principal and interest), no
amount of principal would be paid down.
If not for other revenues there would be
no reduction in the unfunded liability
of the OEFC.
There is money
moving from left to right pockets in
terms of the Province both receiving and
paying interest on amounts due from and
to itself.
As the result of
legislative reform in 2004 to the
electricity market, the liability for
estimated future losses ($4.3 billion)
on power purchase contracts as inherited
from old Ontario Hydro is now being
amortized by the OEFC as revenue over a
12 year period since losses are no
longer incurred on power purchase
contracts. This is reflected in the
$3.6 billion of net reduction in power
purchase contracts as reported as
revenue by the OEFC.
In regard to
power supply contract costs ($14.9
billion) and recoveries ($14.2 billion)
since 2000. The 2004 legislation
(Electricity Restructuring Act) shifted
the burden of power purchase contract
losses from the OEFC to hydro
ratepayers. Previously, the OEFC
purchased power from the NUGs and sold
the power at market prices lower than
cost, thus incurring losses.
Starting in
January 2005, the OEFC began receiving
actual contract prices for power from
ratepayers thus eliminating losses going
forward on power purchase contracts.
Power supply contract recoveries have
doubled for the OEFC when they averaged
about $600 million a year to 2005 and
now at about $1.3 billion a year.
The same Act
also resulted in a combination of
regulated and competitive electricity
sector pricing with different generators
receiving prices set through a variety
of mechanisms. Electricity pricing is
complicated with consumers paying a
blend of costs including pass-through of
regulated prices for OPG’s regulated
plants, the full costs for existing and
new contracts for generation, and spot
market prices for other generation
facilities. This no doubt a complex a
variable pricing structure.
Considering the
foregoing and seeing the total long term
debt of OEFC is almost the same as it was
for the old Ontario Hydro fifteen years
ago….it seems not much has changed regarding
debt proper. Debt as such is still largely
with us. The change is more about other
liabilities and other revenue and expense
streams – in particular regarding power
purchase contract obligations and the flow
of interest in and out.
Coincidently, it is
interesting to note that in its final report
of 1999 the old Ontario Hydro commented (on
page 42) that estimates of stranded debt
were “preliminary” and the actual stranded
debt would be known once a final
determination can be made for other items;
principally valuing power purchase
obligations”. Whether such a final
determination was made I am not certain.
What is clear is that subsequent
legislative changes in 2004 began
eliminating losses on power purchase
contracts and the burden going forward
shifted to ratepayers. Some other form of
liability reduction charge has been
instituted. Just how this works I do not
In the end analysis,
there is no clear answer as to where DRC
money went in particular. DRC is revenue for
the Province and no particular or specific
debt repayment is obvious except to say in
“Toto” debt proper of the OEFC has reduced
by about $5 billion since 1999 and its net
unfunded liability (including debt) reduced
by $10 billion (about half).
Interestingly, while
there is regulation setting out how residual
stranded debt (RSD) is to be calculated and
how the RSD value is to be published each
year, there appears to be nothing requiring
the Minister to periodically state publicly
what the value of the stranded debt is at
any particular time. One could presume or
assume this would be the “unfunded
liability” of the OEFC as shown in Tables 2
and 3 previous.
Permanently retiring
outstanding stranded debt of $26 billion
would entail liquidating assets of the OEFC
and covering any shortfall. Doing so would
be a major policy decision and no doubt not
a simple endeavour. I wonder if anyone has
assessed the option of “calling it a day” on
stranded debt?
The DRC helps defray
costs and reduce unfunded liabilities of the
OEFC – much of which is debt owed to the
Province. One could view this as debt owed
to the people of Ontario in common that is
being paid back or carried by the people of
Ontario as hydro users directly or
indirectly as consumers of goods and
services or as investors in business.
There is good news.
As proposed in the May 2014 Provincial
budget the DRC may come to an end for
residential hydro users after December 2015
– saving a typical homeowner about $70 a
year. However, it is expected to continue
for non-residential users until the end of
2018 when the RSD is anticipated to be
“retired” in full. This could change if the
RSD spikes north as it did in 2004,
especially if the economy goes south. Stay
tuned and keep your fingers crossed
especially since the latest news is about
economic downturn.
All so far
illustrates the consequences of government
decisions are often not known until long
after the decisions are made and those who
made them are long gone. At the same time
we live the consequences of past decisions
and need to learn from the past.
Why HST on DRC?
A final
question. Ok, if debt is being paid, why do
we pay HST on the DRC? By rough
estimation, hydro consumers have paid about
$1.5 billion in sales taxes on top of $11.5
billion in DRC; a total of $13 billion.
The Canadian Revenue
Agency sent information to explain.
Apparently I am the first person in ten
years to ask. It comes down to “based on the
application of subsection 154(2) of the
Excise Tax Act (ETA), the DRC forms part of
the consideration for the supply of
electricity”. As the DRC has not been
prescribed in regulations as an exclusion
and as the supply of electricity is a
taxable supply, GST applies to the value of
the consideration, including the DRC, for
the supply of electricity pursuant to
subsection 165 (1) of the ETA.
Translation - from
the federal perspective, the DRC is revenue
in exchange for services. It’s not debt
payment but a charge for services - as it
was under old Ontario Hydro that sought to
cover all costs in its pricing for
electricity, including paying debt principal
and interest. We are now back to where this
all began.
In Closing
It seems
nothing changed in substance for paying
hydro debt – just the players and method of
payment. From this author’s perspective,
people and enterprises of Ontario are, for
the most part, paying a debt owed to their
own government (i.e. to themselves) and paid
$11.5 billion plus HST in doing so.
The DRC has helped
fund various activities of the Ontario
Electricity Financial Corporation (OEFC) in
carrying out its mandate. Money to retire
debt is comingled with other revenues to
service debt and other liabilities left
behind by the former Ontario Hydro.
While difficult to
comprehend and follow, the DRC is not
necessarily a bad thing and may have helped
produce positive results for the people of
Ontario. It is part of a big picture of
“hydro reform” that deserves clear
accountability and transparency by the
Government of Ontario including whether
reform has been worthwhile especially in
terms of low as possible hydro rates and
debt retirement. A comprehensive evaluation
of results (intended and unintended) could
reveal lessons learned that may inform
future public policy decisions.
The DRC is not what
was first expected and old hydro debt per se
is not significantly retired after 15 years.
However, there has been progress reducing
the combination of debt and other
liabilities of the OEFC.
The deeper question
is – has reform of the hydro system been
successful? What has been achieved for the
public good and are lessons learned? Have
debt retirement dollars been worthwhile?
In doing this
article I learned more about the hydro
system and kind of understand the DRC - but
then again not. I empathize with Alice
and Dorothy and look forward to a
happy ending.
The OEFC was given
the opportunity to comment on a draft of
this article but did not respond. A big
thank you to Doug, Neil, Roseann, Sam, and
Phyllis for their encouragement and review
Disclaimer: The information used
in this article comes from publicly
available sources. The analysis and
conclusions are those of the author and do
not represent the views of any organization
the author may be associated with.
Articles By This Author:
Need For Transparent Electricity System
in Ontario - Change not only the rates but also the way the system is made transparent to the public.